
Autodesk Inventor 2013 Autosave


I'm sorry Mr. Mather but I totally disagree with you about turning off 'AUTOSAVE'. There isn't one good reason not to have it on that I can think of.Back when I first started learning AutoCAD and PCs were just barely good enough to run it, 'AUTOSAVE' often meant it was time to pause working for a few seconds to a minute. Annoying enough to make you want to turn it off. Those days are gone. I never notice an 'AUTOSAVE' unless I am looking at the command line.


  1. Autocad Autosave File Location Mac

I have mine set to every 12 minutes. My saving practices are good enough that a crash hardly ever means losing more than a few minutes work. There are times when I'm busy and I get on a roll doing a bunch of minor mindless touch up type editting without saving for longer periods than usual.

'AUTOSAVE' has saved me 15 minutes of tedious work on more than one occasion. I work in an office with about 80 people using AutoCAD on a daily basis and I'm willing to bet that any who knows how to turn it off, while they hardly ever have to look to that file for lost work, would not turn it off. While there is no good backup for good saving practices, 'AUTOSAVE' does help people keep the bacon from getting burned. How many users even know where to find an autosave file?For those of you who don't click on Options then the Files tab. Scroll down to the entry Automatic Save File Location.

Click on the to expand the entry. The default path should look something like this:C:DOCUME1 yourcomputernamehereLOCALS1TempNow, doesn't that just roll right off your tongue? Well you're right.I suggest that users create a new folder called MyAutoSaves in the root directory of their hard drive and change AutoCAD's default path to the new location C:MyAutoSaves.

Autodesk Inventor 2013 Autosave

By the way, I believe the default setting for AutoSave is 120 minutes. Reset this to 30 minutes. Also check off the box to Create backup copy with each save and finally, if your system is prone to errors (i.e. corrupted drawings) also enable Full time CRC validation. Make sure to save all changes before exiting the Options dialog window.Note: The suggested changes to AutoSave time, backup file creation and CRC validation are all made on the Open and Save tab of the Options dialog window. I know, but like i said, i know I'm often prone to forgetting to save!

Autocad Autosave File Location Mac

I should improve on it really!Yea, inserting blocks, and setting up layouts are the most common cause of crashes! If it were up to me, I'd install AutoCAD 2010 here at the office (or even 2011) as I've found 2010 to be less troublesome on my home system, also with the 64bit software, seems to make things a lot more stable. I'd also upgrade the hardware on my office PC if i had the choice as this dual core and 2Gb RAM just can't keep up with things such as hatching and the better GUI of 2009+. REPAIR is for repairing the installation of AutoCAD. The option is available via Windows Add/Remove Software and would be listed under the version of AutoCAD you are using. It usually requires that you have the original installation disks handy.OIE - Operator Induced Error.Is your version of AutoCAD up to date with all service packs?Tell whoever is responsible for installing updates or hot fixes to get off their lazy butt and do their job. When you're too busy worrying about crashes and recovering from same you are wasting your time and your company's money because you are not productive.


That affects the bottom line (profit). Does this person what to take on the responsibility of explaining to the boss why this is an acceptable practice?

This add-in is used to save all referenced parts/assemblies or drawings related to active assembly. It is useful in the case when user intent to run i-logic rule or external rules which are triggered on Open or Save events.For example, certain add-insĀ are needed to execute on all the files, which execute on opening or closing of the file, this case can be automated using this add-in.The add-in is also helpful in quality check of the drawings.


The user can keep on moving in certain sequence without opening and closing each drawing. This open-save-close cycle can execute in auto mode for all the referenced documents of an assembly.For more help visit:Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).About This Version Version 2.6.0, 7/24/2019.