
How To Install Halionone Cubase 5 Manual Pdf


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Working with symbolsSymbol details1241. To have these symbols actually affect playback, insert them on the Projectlayer and use the Arranger mode.RELATED LINKSSettings for other fixed text elements on page 1268Scores and the Arranger mode on page 1314EndingsThere are two types of endings, closed (“1”) and open (“2”). Both can be stretchedto any length or height by dragging the handles. You can also double-click orright-click the existing number and enter any text you like.You can insert endings in all layers.

Which one to choose depends on the score;while it is handy to insert endings once and for all as Project symbols, this does notallow you to make individual adjustments for the different parts. You can right-click an ending symbol and select the “Extend (+)” or “Reduce(-)” command to extend the symbol to the next chord or to reduce it.Tempo Indicator symbolThis symbol allows you to insert the current tempo according to the tempo track.

Inother words, to make this symbol display a certain tempo, insert the value on thetempo track.Normally this symbol shows the number of beats (quarter notes) per minute, but ifyou double-click or right-click it, you can select any note value. The number thenchanges accordingly.Tempo change according to note values symbolThis symbol allows you to specify a tempo change as a change from one note valueto another.

How To Install Halion One Cubase 5 Manual Pdf Online

The example above would mean “lower the tempo by a third”.To change the note value for either symbol, double-click or right-click it and selectthe desired note value from the context menu. Working with symbolsSymbol details1242User SymbolsThe User Symbols tab lets you create your own graphic symbols and use these inthe score.Creating a user symbolInitially, the User Symbols tab is empty. To create symbols you use the UserSymbols editor:PROCEDURE1. Double-click on the empty symbol field on the tab.The User Symbols editor opens.

You can also right-click on an empty symbol field andselect “Edit” to open the same dialog.2. Open the Functions pop-up menu and select the desired zoom factor from theView submenu.Often you want to work at a reasonably high zoom factor when drawing and editingsymbols.3. Use the tools and functions to draw a symbol.The available tools are listed in the table below.When you are finished, you can close the editor and insert the symbol into the score,or you can create more symbols:4. Select “New Symbol” from the Functions pop-up menu.An empty symbol field appears in the section to the left of the drawing area – thissection corresponds to the actual User Symbols tab, showing all symbols that youhave created.5. Click the new empty symbol field on the left to make sure that it is selected.The drawing area is cleared.6.

Continue creating new symbols this way. Working with symbolsSymbol details1243. You can edit existing symbols at any time by selecting them to the left and usingthe tools and functions.Any changes you make are automatically stored in the User Symbols tab for theproject. You can also export symbols for use in other projects, see below.

To insert a user symbol into the score, click on it on the tab and then click atthe desired position in the score.The User Symbols editor – tools and functionsThe toolbar contains the following tools and settings, from left to right:Object SelectionUse this to select objects – press Shift to select more than one. Click anddrag to move objects – press Ctrl/Command to drag vertically orhorizontally only or press Alt/Option to copy.To delete an object, select it and press Backspace or Delete.LineDraws a straight line.RectangleCreates a rectangle. You can fill this with the Fill button if needed.PolygonCreates a polygon – click where each corner of the polygon should be andclose the figure by clicking outside the drawing area.CircleCreates a circle. You can fill this with the Fill button if needed.EllipseCreates an ellipse. You can fill this with the Fill button if needed.ArcCreates an arc.TextAllows you to insert text objects. Clicking with this tool in the drawing areaopens a dialog where you enter the text, specify font, style, etc.You can double-click on a text object you have inserted to change its text orsettings.SymbolClicking with this tool brings up a dialog where you can select any of theexisting score symbols and incorporate this (at the desired font size) into yourown symbol. Working with symbolsSymbol details1244Set Color of FrameWhen this is selected, the Color pop-up menu is used to select the color forthe object frame.Set Color of FillWhen this is selected, the Color pop-up menu is used to select the fill colorfor objects (if Fill is selected).FillClick this if you want the object to be filled – you can then select a Fill Colorfor it from the Color pop-up menu.Don’t FillClick this if you do not want the object to be filled.ColorSelects Frame or Fill Color for objects.

The “Select Colors” menu itembrings up a standard color dialog.Line WidthAllows you to change the line width used for the selected object.The Note Linked pop-up menu lets you create symbols linked to note positions. Working with symbolsSymbol details1245Import User SymbolsLoads settings for a complete tab from disk. Note that this replaces thecurrent settings.Export/Import SymbolLets you save or load individual symbols to/from disk.

1246Working with chordsAbout this chapterIn this chapter you will learn:. How to enter chord symbols manually and automatically using the “MakeChord Symbols” feature. Which settings can be made for chord symbols.Inserting chord symbolsTo insert chord symbols in the score, you can insert them manually by using theChord Symbol button in the Inspector. You can also let Cubase analyze an existingrecording and create the chord symbols.ManuallyTo specify and enter a chord symbol, proceed as follows:PROCEDURE1. Open the Other tab and select the Chord Symbol button.2. Click in the score at the position where you want to insert the chord symbol.The Edit Chord Symbol dialog opens.3. Enter the root note in the Root Note field.You can either type in a chord letter or step through the chord letters using theup/down arrows to the right.

Working with chordsInserting chord symbols12474. In the “Chord Type” field, specify a chord type.You can either enter it directly (for example, by typing a “7”) or select an option fromthe pop-up menu (click the arrow button to open it).5.

If you wish, specify a tension in the Tension field.Again, this can be done by typing or by using the pop-up menu. However, there aresome special display options which you can only get by typing (see the table below).You might also want to add some text here (such as “no third”).

You can also selectthe basic tensions from the pop-up menu, and then add special options by typing.6. If you want to have a special bass note (e. A C major with a D bass note),set the Bass Note pop-up menu to this note (this cannot be the same as theroot note).The program “remembers” the relation between root and bass note, so that if youchange the root note, the bass note follows.7. If you want the root note to be displayed in lower case, activate the “Root Notein Lower Case” checkbox.8. If needed, activate the “Enharmonic Shift” option.9. Click Apply.The chord symbol appears in the score.To open the Edit Chord Symbol dialog for an existing chord, double-click the symbol.You can also right-click the symbol and select “Properties” on the context menu toopen the dialog.Tension FieldCharacter Description Example Result The tensions are enclosedin brackets./ The tensions areseparated by a slash sign. The tensions are placedabove one another.You can also combine several options.

Thisis a combination of two options, along with aspace to put the “9” above the “5”. Note thatonly one “(“ sign is needed when the “ ”option is used. Working with chordsInserting chord symbols1248Using Make Chord SymbolsIf you have already recorded the chords for a project, Cubase can analyze them andcreate chord symbols:PROCEDURE1.

Open the recording in the Score Editor.If you want the chords to be inserted on another track, you can create an empty parton that track and open it along with the recording.2. If you like, make display settings for the chords. These settings are availablein the Score Settings dialog, on the Project page (Chord Symbols subpage).You can change all these settings after you inserted the chords as well.3. Select the notes for which you want chord symbols to be created.If you want chord symbols to be created for all chords on the track, use the Select Allfunction on the Edit menu.4. Use the arrow keys to make the desired staff active.This should be the staff on which you want the chord symbols to end up.5. On the Scores menu, select “Make Chord Symbols”.The chords appear. Working with chordsGlobal chord settings1249All selected notes on all staves are taken into consideration.

Whenever there is anychange on any staff, the notes are reinterpreted and a new chord symbol is added.This means you should probably avoid having the melody track in the Score Editorwhen you use Make Chord Symbols, or you get a lot more chords than you expect,possibly with strange tensions.In addition to the above, the Quantize value is used. At the most, there is a newchord at each quantize position.There must be at least three notes at a certain position for the program to interpretit as a chord. Also some combinations of notes simply do not make any sense to theprogram and do not produce any chords.The analysis method is not perfect since the same set of notes can be interpreteddifferently depending on context. Some editing may be required.

If you record thetrack solely to create chords automatically, play the chord as simple as possible, inthe correct inversion, without added octaves, etc.The Current Chord DisplayCubase features a handy chord recognition function that helps you identify chordsin the Score Editor note display. To find out which chord is formed bysimultaneously played notes, place the project cursor over the notes. All notescurrently “touched” by the project cursor are analyzed and the Current ChordDisplay in the status line shows you which chord the notes form.Global chord settingsIn the Score Settings dialog on the Project page (Chord Symbols subpage), thereare several global settings that affect how chords are displayed. These settingsaffect all chords in the project.NOTEThere are several options in the Preferences dialog (Event Display–Chords) thatalso affect how chords are displayed. Working with chordsGlobal chord settings1250Chord SymbolsChord Symbols Font.

Use the four size value fields to select sizes for the root, the type, the tension,and the bass of a chord.You can type in values or use the pop-up menus.

ENGLISHHALion Symphonic Orchestra51All this can easily be controlled using key switches, putting a control inyour hands that is unmatched by any other sample library:Switch key assignments in alternate bowing programs (spiccato):Here’s a little exercise for you to check out this impressive function:1. Load the program “Vlc spicc B Alt1 Vel KS”.2. Hit the lowest A on an 88 key keyboard (A-1).Hitting notes will produce down bows only, with the timbre changing with velocity.3. HALion Symphonic Orchestra52True string releaseThe sound of a string bowed or plucked doesn’t rapidly stop at theend of a note (i.e. When you release the key). It rings on, some openstrings resonate (sympathetic vibrations), and most importantly theroom reverberates.

This adds up to a typical “key off” behavior that isessential for the listener to perceive a string sound as realistic.In HALion Symphonic Orchestra, we have captured these effects inspecial string-release samples that kick in. ENGLISHHALion Symphonic Orchestra53Don’t overdo this effect although it’s tempting – real orchestras use itsparingly.Crescendo/DiminuendoMusicians playing a bowed instrument have continuous control overthe loudness and timbre of the sound. To realistically reproduce thiseffect, we have provided the Crescendo controller. In HALion Sym-phonic Orchestra you can select a MIDI controller from a list of fouroptions: Modulation, Breath Controller, Foot Controller or Expression.In the Xfade. HALion Symphonic Orchestra54Expression controls overviewHere is an overview of all expression controls provided in HALionSymphonic Orchestra:The table does not include standard MIDI controllers like Volume, Pan orSustain Pedal which are supported as well.cc# Name Program type Function1ModulationXfade, Xswitchall othersCrescendo (if assigned)Vibrato2Breath Xfade, Xswitchall othersCrescendo (if assigned)no function4 Foot Xfade, Xswitchall othersCrescendo (if assigned)no function11. ENGLISHHALion Symphonic Orchestra55Content structure and program referenceThe HALion Symphonic Orchestra content is supplied in the form of.hsb files. Every Program and.hsb file is available in two variants: one16-bit and one 24-bit version.

How To Install Halion One Cubase 5 Manual Pdf Download

The 24-bit content totals 16.3 GB, whilethe 16-bit content comes to a total of 11 GB. The following sectionsprovide an overview of the available programs for each instrument andarticulation.Demo ContentIncluded on the program DVD is a demo project. HALion Symphonic Orchestra56InstrumentsThe following instruments have been used to record the HALion Sym-phonic Orchestra samples:Vln ViolinsVla ViolasVlc Cellos (Violoncelli)DB Double BassesFlt FlutesOb OboesCl ClarinetsBsn BassoonsPic PiccolosEH English hornsBcl Bass clarinetsTrp TrumpetsTrb TrombonesTub TubasHrn HornsTimpani sameGlockenspiel sameVibraphon VibraphoneXylophon XylophoneTubular bells sameSmall bell pitched sameSnare SnaresGranCassa Gran Cassa (Bass Drum)Tamb. ENGLISHHALion Symphonic Orchestra57ArticulationsThe following articulations were recorded:Vibraslap sameTmplBlk TempleblocksCym CymbalsPiatti Piatti a due (pair of cymbals)Tam-Tam Tam-Tam (Gong)Triangle sameCowbell sameSmall Bell sameSleighbell Sleigh BellsFingCym Finger CymbalsDobatchi Dobatchi (Cup Gong)CampDiMessa Campane di messatutti Large instrument sectionsolo Only one player8vb One octave lower than writtenAcc Accentcresc ctrl Crescendo Controllercombi Combination Program. HALion Symphonic Orchestra58 long Long bows, loopedshort Single bows, unloopedleg X trem Crossfade from normal legato to tremolooct Octavepizz Pizzicatoport/porta Portamentospicc Spiccato (short notes)stacc Staccato (short notes)trem TremoloHT trill Half Tone TrillsWT trill Whole Tone TrillsHT orna Half Tone ornamentWT orna Whole Tone ornamentuni Unisonoup Up-bowdn Down-bowAlternating Alternating between multiple samples or different bowing(updown)ALT 1 Multiple alternations of all.