
Kelvin Double Bridge Pdf


LAB EXPERIMENT FORAIMFind the value of unknown resistance using a. REQUIREMENT☞Trainer Kit☞Patch Chards☞Multimeter☞Unknown resistance. NoteInitially short L1 & L2. Note down the digital voltmeter reading. This reading is nothing but the final balancing point when you are tuning the bridge.


Kelvin Double Bridge Theory Pdf

FORMULA USEDPROCEDURE☞Connections are made as per the connection diagram☞Connect the unknown resistance at Rx terminals.☞Switch ON the unit.☞Select the range selection switch at the point where the meter reads least possible value of voltage.☞Vary the potentiometer (P1) to obtain null balance.☞Switch OFF the unit and find the resistance using multimeter at P1.☞Tabulate the readings and find the value of unknown resistance using the above formula.TABULATIONSL NOP(S)Q(S)P1(S)RX(S).