
Telecharger Application Loader Wizard Blackberry

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→ SEE ALSO12 Remove an Application from Your Device50 Install a New Application Over-the-AirIf you simply plugged in your desktop PC the day you got it and have since been happily using it without ever installing anyadditional applications, you might not see the significance of this task. More realistically, you've probably installed numerousapplications on your desktop PC ranging from productivity applications to games. Your BlackBerry device is no different fromyour desktop PC in regard to expanding its software capabilities through third-party applications. There is a surprisinglywide range of available applications, most of them priced reasonably—and some are even available for free download.It's worth noting that BlackBerry devices have been around for several years, and not all of them are as full-featured asthe 7100 series.

For this reason, you should pay close attention to any applications you consider installing to ensure thatthey specifically take advantage of the newer features in the 7100. Otherwise, you might end up with an application that isdesigned to run on a much smaller black-and-white screen. An application designed specifically for the 7100 will take advantageof the larger color screen and phone features that are built in to the device. NOTEYou can download and install an application directly to your BlackBerry device from the Web. See 50 Install a New Application Over-the-Air to find out how. Download the Application to Your Desktop PCWhether you have purchased a commercial application or found an application that is freely available for download, you mustfirst download the application to your desktop PC before you can install it to your BlackBerry device.

The website from whichyou are obtaining the application should provide a link for downloading the application. When prompted to open or save thedownloaded application file, click Save to save the file; you will then get an opportunity to open the file and execute it on your desktop PC after it finishes downloading. TIPIf you download a BlackBerry application that is stored in a Zip file instead of an executable installation program (EXE),you'll need to unzip the application yourself.

Just use Windows Explorer to extract the application files from the Zip fileto a new folder. The primary file you're looking for is a file with an extension of.alx, which is the file used by the BlackBerry Desktop Manager to install the application. Launch the Application Loader WizardWith your BlackBerry device plugged in to your desktop PC and turned on, click the Start button on the Windows taskbar of your desktop PC to open the Windows Start menu. Then select All Programs, BlackBerry, Desktop Manager.

The BlackBerry Desktop Manager application appears.Double-click the Application Loader icon in the BlackBerry Desktop Manager. The Application Loader Wizard window appears. Select the New Application for InstallationClick the Next button to get started with the Application Loader Wizard. The wizard will take a few moments to analyze your device and thendisplay the Handheld Application Selection window. This window includes all the applications installed on your device, including core operating system components. Thenew application you are installing is not listed yet because you haven't added it to the list.

TIPYou must be careful when using the Application Loader Wizard because it allows you to make sweeping changes to the applicationsinstalled on your device, including critical core applications such as the phone and security features. Unless you reallywant to remove an application from your device, you should never uncheck an application in the Application Loader Wizard because it will be uninstalled. Generally speaking, it's not a good idea to uncheck standard applications unless you fullyunderstand the implications.Click the Add button to add the new application to the list of available applications. Navigate to the folder on your desktop PC whereyou installed the application files. Click the file with the.alx extension, and then click the Open button. After returning to the Handheld Application Selection window, you now see the new application at the bottom of the application list.If it isn't already checked, click the check box next to the application name to select it for installation to your device.Click the Next button to continue in the wizard.

Telecharger Application Loader Wizard Blackberry

Application Loader Wizard Blackberry Download

The completion window of the Application Loader Wizard appears. Install the Application to Your DeviceThe Advanced button enables you to tweak the installation settings associated with application data and currently installed applications.More specifically, you can specify that all application data be erased from your device prior to installation. You can alsospecify that all applications be erased from your device before installation.

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These are both fairly aggressive measures intendedto serve as somewhat of a cleanup of your device's state. They are recommended only if you are having problems, and even thenyou should perform a backup of your device prior to proceeding with any erasure. TIPIf you click the Advanced button to tweak advanced installation settings, you might have to progress through several screens to return to the familiarFinish button that allows you to finish the installation process. Just accept the default settings along the way if you aren't surehow to answer.Click the Finish button to install the application to your device. After installing the application to your device, the BlackBerry DesktopManager automatically synchronizes the device with your desktop PC.

The new application is now ready to run on your device. Run the Application on Your DeviceOn the Home screen of your device, scroll to the Applications icon and click the trackwheel. The Applications screen appears, offering a sequence of applications, including the new application you installed. In this example, I installedthe Dreams Meaning Dictionary by Beiks LLC, which enables me to type a word and find out what it means if I dream about it.Scroll to the application icon with the trackwheel and click to launch the application.