
Tesla Coil Software


Be it an ordinary high school project or a mind blowing arcing project, a Tesla Coil is always fun to build and will definitely make your project look cool and attractive. A Tesla Coil is a simple coil that creates a high voltage electric field in the air when a small input power (9V) is provided, this electric filed is strong enough to glow small light bulbs. This principle was invented by the Nicola Tesla, who also holds the credit for inventing Induction Motors, AC current, neon bulbs, Remote controls etc.

This Mini Tesla Coil Circuit is very simple and just works with a help of 9V battery and very few commonly available electronic components, which makes it is very easy to build (fingers crossed). There are a handful number of people who have tried this project already and have failed to obtain the result; this is mainly because of few subtle mistakes that commonly occur. So it does not matter if you have already given up on Tesla coils or if you are completely new to this topic, this tutorial will be your final stop to build and debug your Tesla coil and get it working.

In this DIY Tutorial we will learn How to make a Simple Tesla Coil with 9v Battery and transmit the power wirelessly.Warning: This is a high voltage project, so make sure you always know what you are doing. The voltage is not lethal but still can cause nerve and tissue damage if you get in direct contact with any arcs. You don’t have to fear much, but always remember not to touch the coil while its powered ON.Materials Required:. Magnetic wire a.k.a Enamelled copper wire. 22K Resistor. 2N2222 Transistor. LED.

Ordinary breadboard wire. Any non conductive cylindrical object. 9V Battery (or 5V Supply). BreadboardWorking of a Tesla coil:Before we start building the Tesla coil, it is very important to know how it works. Only then we will be able to build and debug one successfully. The Tesla coil works with the principle of Electromagnetic Induction.

According to which, when a conductor is placed under a varying magnetic field, a small current will be induced inside the conductor. For a Tesla coil this conductor will be called as the secondary coil and the varying magnetic field will be produced by the primary coil by passing an oscillating current through the primary coil. It might sound a bit confused, but let us proceed with the circuit diagram where things will be made much clear.Circuit Diagram:The circuit diagram of Mini Tesla Coil Project given below is very simple. So let us understand how it works and learn how to build it.

The main component in this circuit is the secondary coil (golden colour), which is made by winding a magnetic wire (enamelled) around a cylindrical object (any non conductive object will work).A high current high frequency transistor like 2N2222 is used to supply current through the primary coil (violet colour). The whole set up is powered by a 9V battery as shown above. The positive end of the battery reaches the collector of Transistor through the primary coil, and the emitter is grounded.

This means that whenever the transistor conducts, current is flown through the primary coil. The LED diode and one end of the secondary coil is also connected to base of transistor to make the circuit oscillate, this way the transistor will send a oscillating current into primary coil. If you want get more technical and learn how the current oscillates you can Google for “ Slayer Exciter Circuit”.So, with this arrangement we have a primary coil which will have an oscillating current, and hence will produce a carrying magnetic flux around it.

Tesla Coil Software

Now, this coil is wound around the secondary coil and hence a according to law of electromagnetic induction a voltage will be induced in the secondary coil. Since the number of turns in the secondary coil is very large than primary coil, this voltage will be a very high voltage and hence this coil will have a very strong electric flux around it that is powerful enough to glow normal CFL bulbs and is used in Wireless Power Transmission.Winding the Secondary Coil:One very important step in this project is winding the secondary coil. It is a time consuming process and hence do not rush yourself in this part. First of all, you will need a magnetic coil, which is also called as enamelled coil wire. These wires can be found inside relays coils, transformers and even motors.

You can either reuse one or buy yourself a new one. The thinner the wire is the better the results will be.Once you are ready with the magnetic wire, you will need a cylindrical object.

The only rule while selecting this object is that it should not be conductive, you can select PVC pipes, cardboard roll or even stack 4-5 A4 sheets together and roll them up. The diameter of the cylinder can be anywhere between 5cm to 10cm, and the length should be at least 10cm.

Tesla Coil Software

The longer the object is more number of turns it can fit in.After getting your coil and cylindrical object, it is time to start the winding process, just wind few turn and use a tape to secure the winding initially and then proceed with the complete winding.

Example:When you use Javatc it will firstly ask some basic specifications about the coil you're building, so you need to work out the secondary size, number of turns and wire size, which usually is around 1200 to 1400 turns of AWG 22 - 26 in size.Using the wire gauge chart, we see that AWG 24 wire is 20.1 thou diameter, add in the varnish insulation and it will then be around 23 thou. Hand winding will probably on average give a 5 thou gap between turns, so say 28 thou as the overall thickness of one turn.Therefore a 1200 turn coil will be 1200 x 0.028' high at least. This is 33.6', and allowing 3' of unwound tube each end, you need a tube at least 39.6' long. The 33.6 inch winding could use a 4 to 6 inch diameter tube, so we will settle with a 6' giving an acceptable aspect ratio of 5.51.Next we could decide on the number of primary coil turns, but that will be affected by the value of your capacitor, which in turn is influenced by your power supply. Taking the example above a bit further let's suppose we built a bigger toroid and its size now increased to '5' units. JavatcWe decided you're using an, and you have your secondary sizes sorted out, so then work out the physical size of the toroid that you are using or what you think you will be able to build. Toroid size information can be found, while build information (2 different methods) is and.Because you are using just a single NST as the power source, let's say your capacitor is around 20 odd nF, as any larger may not charge fully from just one NST unless it's a higher output current unit (in excess of 60mA).The primary spiral will be using an estimated 0.25' diameter tube and have 0.5' space between turns.

As the secondary is 6' diameter, we add an inch all around for clearance, meaning an inner primary diameter of 8' is needed (4' radius).Now we will run and start to enter some details based on a figure of ten primary turns, it will then compute how many turns of primary coil you actually need with 20nF and also the coil's specifications. So starting with line 1 select (in this example) the 'inches' option, ignore 'Ambient Temperature' at this stage, then tick copper for both the secondary and primary 'Wire Material'. The type of primary is 'round' in our example, and lastly enter the size of the primary cap you're going to use. I went for 20nF so that is 0.02uF - you MUST get the units right here (0.1uF = 100nF or 0.5uF = 500nF).Line 2 regarding 'Ground Plane' can be ignored in this test, so next it's onto Line 3 for the secondary coil details. Our example has a 6' coil so 'Radius 1' = 3' with 'Radius 2' being the same. 'Height 1' is the height above ground of the coil's bottom winding.Now caution is needed here - we have a 33.6' tall winding with 3' left spare either end. So if the secondary was sat on a 17' high base, then the coil will have the bottom of its winding 20' above ground.

'Height 2' would then be 20' + 33.6' = 53.6'.Next enter our 1200 turns and the wire size we used. Choose either 'AWG' or 'Wire Dia' if you're entering the actual wire size in inches. If the number of turns is not high enough for that wire size in the space you've allowed it will tell you.Conversely if the wire is rather thin for the space available then it will show up as too much gap left between each winding. But bear in mind if Javatc says it all fits, but there is only 2 or 3 thou (0.002 - 0.003') between windings, you will find you cannot actually wind the wire that close, so you'll either end up with a taller coil, or less turns.

Tesla Coil Software

So common sense is needed when you check the winding spacing figure. Line 4 requires the primary radius details calculated as shown above.We had decided on 0.25' diameter tube with 0.5' left between turns, so with a 3 inch radius tube used for the secondary, plus 1' for clearance, that gave us 'Radius 1 (LVend)' = 4'. Then we have ten turns of tube, each 0.25' diameter = 2.5' total, plus 9 inter-turn spaces at 0.5' giving 4.5' total.

Tesla Coil Plans Free Pdf

So grand total is 4' + 2.5' + 4.5' giving a total 'Radius 2 (HVend)') of 11' for a 10 turn primary.The inner turn of the primary is normally set at the same height as the bottom of the coil winding initially, so enter 20' into 'Height 1 (LVend)' and as it is a flat primary (avoid conical types), the 'Height 2 (HVend)' will also be 20'.Then fill in the number of turns, 10, and wire diameter, or in most cases, the copper tube diameter (0.25').Line 5 is for the toroid and we decided we would use a 20' major diameter with a 3' minor diameter. So set its centre height a couple of inches above the top of the secondary coil's winding to start with. There is a page on toroid informationThen choose 'Topload' for the connection, and then move across to where it says 'Add' and click there to input the toroid details.If you were using stacked toroids you would then go back to the size boxes, change the details if needed then click 'Add' again so the second toroid details would appear underneath the first lot. Here we see the output that Javatc gives us, also because we chose 'Auto-Tune' the software worked out the primary turns needed so that the primary resonant frequency matches the secondary resonant frequency. The figure it worked out is now shown in the primary input box, where you will find your original figure of 10 that you entered has now changed to this new figure (see below).

This is what you will use for your tap position. Looking below you can see it has now changed from the original 10 turn setting you entered, to 10.025 turns, along with the corresponding outer radius difference as well. Javatc comes with the option to load a sample coil as well, allowing you to see how the program works. You could also just enter the secondary details and run it to get partial results, the same with the primary etc.By including your power details (entered further down the page) the program will let you know if your capacitor value is going to be resonant with the mains frequency.In case of confusion for those new to coiling, we know the main capacitor forms a resonant circuit with the primary coil while it's discharging, but while it's charging the capacitor is also capable of forming a resonant circuit with the mains transformer that's charging it. Now while we wanted resonance between the primary and secondary circuits, it's best to avoid the capacitor resonating with the mains transformer, as the voltage can rise too high and blow the transformer power supply, especially if it's an NST which can be fragile sometimes.Notice I said 'it's best to avoid', as if the transformer can handle the voltage, it then gives a nice boost in performance. Try at YOUR OWN risk though.I have successfully used this resonant charging arrangement on my 8 inch Phoenix coil, but it is powered by a(PIG) of the type you see on poles in the streets, and those are built to very rugged specifications and thus able to handle any over-voltage situation.

Tesla Coil Software

More on this on anotherJavatc also has provision to enter spark gap details as well, be it either a static gap or a rotary. For this to work without filling in all the coil's details like we have above, you need to just enter the capacitance value you're using, the transformer details, and details of the spark gap itself. Above:This is the details of the static gap. For this section and the power section above you just use the 'Calculate' button in the relevant section.Apart from these two sections the only other entry needed for the static gap was the size of the primary cap size (30nF), the input for this being located up at the top of line 1 (far right) which we filled in earlier.

Tesla Coil Calculator

All the other detail for the primary, secondary and toroid are not needed for this calculation and the program won't ask for them if they are missing. Elvira stukova. Above: This last image is the result of using the same inputs as above, except I have increased the capacitance size to 60nF. The program now realises that there will be sufficient current available for charging in the time period available and informs you.A handy feature is that with any terminology in Javatc you are unsure of, you can easily find out more by clicking on the term itself.It's a great program and well worth some attention, all credit going to the American coiler its creator of course.