
The Manchurian Candidate 1962 Script Pdf


Manchurian CandidateScript - transcript from the screenplay and/or the Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep movieManchurian CandidateScript - Dialogue TranscriptVoila! Finally, the Manchurian Candidatescript is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Denzel Washingtonand Meryl Streep movie remake of the Frank Sinatra movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakinglytranscribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Manchurian Candidate. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternallytweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to.

The Manchurian Candidate 1962 Script PdfManchurian

The Manchurian Candidate 1962 Imdb

You won'thurt my feelings. Honest.Swing on back to afterwards for more!Manchurian CandidateScriptBets around, bets around.Let's go, Jameson.Everybody in? Atkins, Atkins?Oh, come on, man, let's go.No, man, your sisterdidn't send me that check yet.No, this is how you play the.This is how you play Texas Hold'em.You just told us how to play it!This is how you play Texas Hold'em.Will you flip another card.This is the fourth fucking.- Four of a kind.- What do you got, Melvin?Yo, Melvin, man,what you gonna do,you gonna play the cardsor you gonna hatch them?I ain't gonna hatch them. I need torun out to the ATM real quick.There's gotta be a.Gotta be a -Elevenout there somewhere.Let me get two.So why don't we just go directly in.Right up this route, straight in.Yes, well, I see the captainenjoys the road less traveled.No, the captain enjoysnot going down the highway,dragging his ass so every Tom, Dickand Qaddafi can take a whack at it.It's very bad here.It's bad here, it's still bad here.And I've heard it's badright down here.- Bad everywhere, huh?- Yeah.Mines?Tricky.

Swedish-made.The man didn't say anythingabout mines to me.Sergeant Shaw.- Sergeant.- Sir.Rolling in two minutes.Yes, sir.You okay?Yes, sir.Two minutes.Yo, give me two cards, man.Captain says we're moving out.So.Hey, that cat needs a friend.And a hug.It was just before Desert Storm.We were on a routine reconinside Iraqi-controlled terrain,assessing enemy troop strengthfor what Saddam Hussein promisedwould be the mother of all wars.I'm in the lead vehiclewith Sergeant Shawand our guide, a civilian contractor.The night is clear.Stars, but no moon.Ambush!Hang on.Exit the vehicle.On me! On me!Get a flare up, sergeant.Enemy dismount!

Go after, go after!Stay left!Covering, covering, covering!Bear right!Move it, move it, move it!Captain Marco!Sir?Was you scared?Scared? Well.there was really no timeto be scared.With complete disregardfor his own life,Sergeant Raymond Shawengaged single-handedlyan entire company of the enemy.Sergeant Shaw was awardedthe Medal of Honor.I signed the recommendation myself.Yes, sir.Were you wounded?I was, I was injured.Concussion, lost focus.Sergeant Shaw, he took command.Major?- Yes.- Did your unit sustain any casualties?Yes.

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The Manchurian Candidate 1962 Cast


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