
Welding Defects Causes And Remedies Pdf Nptel


In Mechanical Engineering Welding is one of the most important Metal joining process. As we know that in Casting we some defects are always there and similarly in welding defects are there. Welding defects is very common problem but need to solve it because it lead to failure to the material.

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Posted on Updated on Welding DefectsWhen we perform welding process to join the two metal pieces, it could be pipe or plates, chances are more that we get many defects based on welder’s expertiseAs listed in AWS Sec V here are the few weld defects listed and their appropriate NDT (Non-destructive Techniques) likeVT – Visual TestingRT- Radiography TestingUT- Ultrasonic TestingMT- Magnetic TestingPT – Penetrate TestingAE- Acoustic Emission 1. Burn ThroughSource: TWISuitable NDT: VT/RT 2. CracksSource: EsabSuitable NDT: PT/MT/UT/AE 3. Excessive/ Inadequate ReinforcementSource: NPTELSuitable NDT: VT/RT 4. Inclusions (Slag/Tungsten)Source: qaqc-construction.comSuitable NDT: RT 5.

Incomplete FusionSource: ESABSuitable NDT: UT 6. Incomplete PenetrationSource: ESABSuitable NDT: UT 7. MisalignmentSource: Arc Machines, Inc.Suitable NDT: VT/RT 8. OverlapSource: thefabricator.comSuitable NDT: PT/MT 9.PorositySource: ESABSuitable NDT: VT/PT/RT 10. Root CavitySource: NDT Resource CenterSuitable NDT: VT/RT 11.

UndercutSource: ESABSuitable NDT: VT/RT.

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