
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Full Version


Visual Studio 2010 adalah fitur pemodelan dua terbesar (pemodelan) dan pengujian (pengujian).Pengembang menulis kode, tes sering diabaikan secara teratur, karena pendekatan ini sering terlalu memakan waktu. Visual Studio 2010, alat baru untuk membantu pengembang menulis program secara otomatis ditampilkan pada tes unit, membutuhkan pengembang untuk melakukan verifikasi kode. Alat lain yang memungkinkan pengembang tes gagal, Anda dapat melihat bug di kode secara lebih rinci untuk setiap pesan.Dalam Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft memperkenalkan fitur baru, seperti kotak hitam pesawat (kotak hitam). Ketika aplikasi sedang diuji ketika kotak hitam akan mencatat status mesin dan aplikasi, pengembang dapat menguji, debug untuk melihat catatan masa lalu, dan dapat masuk tumpukan komputasi (tumpukan komputasi) dari semua tingkatan, untuk menemukan bug mungkin terjadi di mana bagian.Mendlen mengatakan bahwa ketika bug terjadi, kita akan memiliki screen shot (screen shot), dan melewati kotak hitam untuk pengembang.Visual Studio Team System 2010 akan mencakup Microsoft 'Oslo' strategi pemodelan di mana bagian dari itu. 'Oslo' adalah strategi pemodelan konferensi TechEd Microsoft awal tahun ini dibuat. Arsitektur Explorer akan memungkinkan arsitek dan pengembang untuk membangun, menyesuaikan, dan aplikasi konstruksi untuk melihat peta, untuk memperkuat konsistensi pengembangan perangkat lunak.

  1. Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Sp1
  2. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Download

. and later. and laterAvailable inChinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish and TurkishWebsiteMicrosoft Visual Studio is an (IDE) from. It is used to develop, as well as,. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as,. It can produce both and.Visual Studio includes a supporting (the component) as well as.

Works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a, designer for building applications, designer, and designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for systems (like and ) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for or toolsets for other aspects of the (like the client: Team Explorer).Visual Studio supports 36 different and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists.

Built-in languages include,. Support for other languages such as, and among others is available via. (and ) were supported in the past.The most basic edition of Visual Studio, the Community edition, is available free of charge. The slogan for Visual Studio Community edition is 'Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developers'.The currently supported Visual Studio version is 2019.

Contents.Architecture Visual Studio does not support any programming language, solution or tool intrinsically; instead, it allows the plugging of functionality coded as a VSPackage. When installed, the functionality is available as a Service. The provides three services: SVsSolution, which provides the ability to enumerate projects and solutions; SVsUIShell, which provides windowing and UI functionality (including tabs, toolbars, and tool windows); and SVsShell, which deals with registration of VSPackages. In addition, the IDE is also responsible for coordinating and enabling communication between services.

All editors, designers, project types and other tools are implemented as VSPackages. Visual Studio uses to access the VSPackages. The Visual Studio also includes the Managed Package Framework ( MPF), which is a set of wrappers around the COM-interfaces that allow the Packages to be written in any.

However, MPF does not provide all the functionality exposed by the Visual Studio COM interfaces.The services can then be consumed for creation of other packages, which add functionality to the Visual Studio IDE.Support for programming languages is added by using a specific VSPackage called a Language Service. A language service defines various interfaces which the VSPackage implementation can implement to add support for various functionalities. Functionalities that can be added this way include syntax coloring, statement completion, brace matching, parameter information tooltips, member lists, and error markers for background compilation.

If the interface is implemented, the functionality will be available for the language. Language services are implemented on a per-language basis. The implementations can reuse code from the parser or the compiler for the language. Language services can be implemented either in. For native code, either the native COM interfaces or the Babel Framework (part of Visual Studio SDK) can be used. For managed code, the MPF includes wrappers for writing managed language services.Visual Studio does not include any support built in but it defines two alternative ways for source control systems to integrate with the IDE.

A Source Control VSPackage can provide its own customised user interface. In contrast, a source control plugin using the MSSCCI (Microsoft Source Code Control Interface) provides a set of functions that are used to implement various source control functionality, with a standard Visual Studio user interface. MSSCCI was first used to integrate with Visual Studio 6.0 but was later opened up via the Visual Studio SDK. Visual Studio.NET 2002 used MSSCCI 1.1, and Visual Studio.NET 2003 used MSSCCI 1.2. Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010 use MSSCCI Version 1.3, which adds support for rename and delete propagation, as well as asynchronous opening.Visual Studio supports running multiple instances of the environment (each with its own set of VSPackages).

The instances use different (see 's of the term 'registry hive' in the sense used here) to store their configuration state and are differentiated by their AppId (Application ID). The instances are launched by an AppId-specific.exe that selects the AppId, sets the root hive, and launches the IDE. VSPackages registered for one AppId are integrated with other VSPackages for that AppId. The various product editions of Visual Studio are created using the different AppIds.

The edition products are installed with their own AppIds, but the Standard, Professional, and products share the same AppId. Consequently, one can install the Express editions side-by-side with other editions, unlike the other editions which update the same installation. The professional edition includes a superset of the VSPackages in the standard edition, and the team suite includes a superset of the VSPackages in both other editions. The AppId system is leveraged by the in Visual Studio 2008. Features Code editor Like any other, it includes a that supports and using for, and queries. IntelliSense is supported for the included languages, as well as for, and when developing web sites. Autocomplete suggestions appear in a over the code editor window, in proximity of the editing.

In Visual Studio 2008 onwards, it can be made temporarily semi-transparent to see the code obstructed by it. The code editor is used for all supported languages.The Visual Studio code editor also supports setting bookmarks in code for quick navigation. Other navigational aids include and, in addition to normal text search and search.

The code editor also includes a multi-item and a task list. The code editor supports code snippets, which are saved templates for repetitive code and can be inserted into code and customized for the project being worked on. A management tool for code snippets is built in as well.

These tools are surfaced as floating windows which can be set to automatically hide when unused or docked to the side of the screen. The Visual Studio code editor also supports including parameter reordering, variable and method renaming, extraction, and encapsulation of class members inside properties, among others.Visual Studio features background compilation (also called incremental compilation). As code is being written, Visual Studio compiles it in the background in order to provide feedback about syntax and compilation errors, which are flagged with a red wavy underline.

Warnings are marked with a green underline. Background compilation does not generate executable code, since it requires a different compiler than the one used to generate executable code. Background compilation was initially introduced with, but has now been expanded for all included languages. Debugger. Main article:Visual Studio includes a that works both as a source-level debugger and as a machine-level debugger. It works with both as well as and can be used for debugging applications written in any language supported by Visual Studio. In addition, it can also attach to running processes, monitor, and debug those processes.

If source code for the running process is available, it displays the code as it is being run. If source code is not available, it can show the. The Visual Studio debugger can also create as well as load them later for debugging. Multi-threaded programs are also supported. The debugger can be configured to be launched when an application running outside the Visual Studio environment crashes.The debugger allows setting (which allow execution to be stopped temporarily at a certain position) and watches (which monitor the values of variables as the execution progresses). Breakpoints can be conditional, meaning they get triggered when the condition is met.

Code can be, i.e., run one line (of source code) at a time. It can either step into functions to debug inside it, or step over it, i.e., the execution of the function body isn't available for manual inspection.

The debugger supports Edit and Continue, i.e., it allows code to be edited as it is being debugged. When debugging, if the mouse pointer hovers over any variable, its current value is displayed in a tooltip ('data tooltips'), where it can also be modified if desired. During coding, the Visual Studio debugger lets certain functions be invoked manually from the Immediate tool window. The parameters to the method are supplied at the Immediate window. Designer Visual Studio includes a host of visual designers to aid in the development of applications.

These tools include:Windows Forms Designer The Windows Forms designer is used to build applications using. Layout can be controlled by housing the controls inside other containers or locking them to the side of the form. Controls that display data (like textbox, list box and grid view) can be to data sources like. Data-bound controls can be created by dragging items from the Data Sources window onto a design surface. The UI is linked with code using an model. The designer generates either or code for the application.

WPF Designer The WPF designer, codenamed Cider, was introduced with Visual Studio 2008. Like the Windows Forms designer it supports the drag and drop metaphor. It is used to author targeting.

It supports all WPF functionality including and management. It generates code for the UI. The generated file is compatible with, the designer-oriented product. The XAML code is linked with code using a model. Web designer/development Visual Studio also includes a web-site editor and designer that allows web pages to be authored by dragging and dropping widgets. It is used for developing applications and supports,.

It uses a model to link with ASP.NET code. From Visual Studio 2008 onwards, the layout engine used by the web designer is shared with. There is also support for technology as a separate download and project available from Microsoft. Class designer The Class Designer is used to author and edit the classes (including its members and their access) using modeling. The Class Designer can generate and code outlines for the classes and methods. It can also generate class diagrams from hand-written classes.

Data designer The data designer can be used to graphically edit, including typed tables, primary and foreign keys and constraints. It can also be used to design queries from the graphical view. Mapping designer From Visual Studio 2008 onwards, the mapping designer is used by to design the between and the that encapsulate the data. The new solution from ORM approach, replaces and improves the old technology. Other tools Open Tabs Browser The open tabs browser is used to list all open tabs and to switch between them. It is invoked using CTRL+TAB.

Properties Editor The Properties Editor tool is used to edit properties in a GUI pane inside Visual Studio. It lists all available properties (both read-only and those which can be set) for all objects including, forms, web pages and other items. Object Browser The Object Browser is a and browser for. It can be used to browse the namespaces (which are arranged hierarchically) in.

The hierarchy may or may not reflect the organization in the file system. Solution Explorer In Visual Studio parlance, a solution is a set of code files and other resources that are used to build an application. The files in a solution are arranged hierarchically, which might or might not reflect the organization in the file system. The Solution Explorer is used to manage and browse the files in a solution. Team Explorer Team Explorer is used to integrate the capabilities of Azure DevOps (either or ) into the IDE.

In addition to version control integration it provides the ability to view and manage individual work items (including user stories, bugs, tasks and other documents). It is included as part of a Visual Studio installation and is also available as a standalone download. Data Explorer Data Explorer is used to manage databases on instances. It allows creation and alteration of database tables (either by issuing commands or by using the Data designer).

It can also be used to create and, with the latter in either or in via. Debugging and support is available as well. Server Explorer The Server Explorer tool is used to manage database connections on an accessible computer. It is also used to browse running, performance counters, and and use them as a datasource. PreEmptive Protection-Dotfuscator Community Edition Visual Studio includes a free 'light' version of by which obfuscates and hardens applications to help secure trade secrets (IP), reduce piracy/counterfeiting, protect against tampering and unauthorized debugging. Dotfuscator works with all flavors of.NET including ASP.NET, Xamarin, Unity and UWP. Text Generation Framework Visual Studio includes a full text generation framework called which enables Visual Studio to generate text files from templates either in the IDE or via code.

ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool The allows for the configuration of websites. Visual Studio Tools for Office is a SDK and an add-in for Visual Studio that includes tools for developing for the suite. Previously (for Visual Studio.NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005) it was a separate SKU that supported only and languages or was included in the Team Suite.

With Visual Studio 2008, it is no longer a separate SKU but is included with Professional and higher editions. A separate runtime is required when deploying VSTO solutions. Extensibility. See also: andVisual Studio allows developers to write extensions for Visual Studio to extend its capabilities. These extensions 'plug into' Visual Studio and extend its functionality. Extensions come in the form of macros, and packages.

Macros represent repeatable tasks and actions that developers can record programmatically for saving, replaying, and distributing. Macros, however, cannot implement new commands or create tool windows. They are written using and are not compiled.

Add-Ins provide access to the Visual Studio object model and can interact with the IDE tools. Add-Ins can be used to implement new functionality and can add new tool windows. Add-Ins are plugged into the IDE via and can be created in any COM-compliant languages. Packages are created using the Visual Studio and provide the highest level of extensibility. They can create designers and other tools, as well as integrate other programming languages. The Visual Studio SDK provides unmanaged as well as a managed API to accomplish these tasks.

However, the managed API isn't as comprehensive as the unmanaged one. Extensions are supported in the Standard (and higher) versions of Visual Studio 2005. Do not support hosting extensions.Visual Studio 2008 introduced the Visual Studio Shell that allows for development of a customized version of the IDE. The Visual Studio Shell defines a set of VSPackages that provide the functionality required in any IDE. On top of that, other packages can be added to customize the installation. The Isolated mode of the shell creates a new AppId where the packages are installed.

These are to be started with a different executable. It is aimed for development of custom development environments, either for a specific language or a specific scenario. The Integrated mode installs the packages into the AppId of the Professional/Standard/Team System editions, so that the tools integrate into these editions. The Visual Studio Shell is available as a free download.After the release of Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft created the Visual Studio Gallery. It serves as the central location for posting information about extensions to Visual Studio. Community developers as well as commercial developers can upload information about their extensions to Visual Studio.NET 2002 through Visual Studio 2010.

Users of the site can rate and review the extensions to help assess the quality of extensions being posted. An extension is stored in a VSIX file. Internally a VSIX file is a ZIP file that contains some XML files, and possibly one or more DLL's. One of the main advantages of these extensions is that they do not require Administrator rights to be installed.

RSS feeds to notify users on updates to the site and tagging features are also planned. Supported products Microsoft Visual C is Microsoft's partial implementation of the and full implementation and associated languages-services and specific tools for integration with the Visual Studio IDE.

It can compile either in C mode or C mode. For C, as of version 15.7 it conforms to C17. The C implementation of Visual Studio 2015 still doesn't support the full standard; in particular, the complex number header introduced in C99 is unsupported. Visual C supports the specification to write, as well as mixed-mode code (a mix of and ). Microsoft positions Visual C for development in native code or in code that contains both native as well as managed components. Visual C supports as well as the library. For MFC development, it provides a set of wizards for creating and customizing MFC, and creating GUI applications using MFC.

Visual C can also use the Visual Studio forms designer to design UI graphically. Visual C can also be used with the.

It also supports the use of intrinsic functions, which are functions recognized by the compiler itself and not implemented as a library. Intrinsic functions are used to expose the instruction set of modern CPUs. Visual C also includes the (version 2.0) specification. Microsoft Visual C#, Microsoft's implementation of the language, targets the.NET Framework, along with the language services that lets the Visual Studio IDE support C# projects. While the language services are a part of Visual Studio, the compiler is available separately as a part of the.NET Framework. The Visual C# 2008, 2010 and 2012 compilers support versions 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 of the C# language specifications, respectively. Visual C# supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others.

Microsoft Visual Basic is Microsoft's implementation of the language and associated tools and language services. It was introduced with Visual Studio.NET (2002). Microsoft has positioned Visual Basic for.

Visual Basic can be used to author both console applications as well as GUI applications. Like Visual C#, Visual Basic also supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others.

Like C#, the VB.NET compiler is also available as a part of.NET Framework, but the language services that let VB.NET projects be developed with Visual Studio, are available as a part of the latter. Microsoft Visual Web Developer Microsoft Visual Web Developer is used to create web sites, and using ASP.NET.

Either or languages can be used. Visual Web Developer can use the Visual Studio Web Designer to graphically design web page layouts. Azure DevOps is intended for collaborative projects and provides, work planning and tracking, data collection,.

It also includes the Team Explorer which is integrated inside Visual Studio. On 10 September 2018, Microsoft announced a rebranding of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to and Team Foundation Server (TFS) to.

Previous products Visual FoxPro is a data-centric and produced. It derives from (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. Visual FoxPro is tightly integrated with its own relational database engine, which extends FoxPro's xBase capabilities to support queries and data manipulation. Visual FoxPro is a full-featured, that does not require the use of an additional general-purpose programming environment. In 2007, Visual FoxPro was discontinued after version 9 Service Pack 2. It was supported until 2015.

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is a package oriented towards small software-development projects. The SourceSafe database is a multi-user, multi-process file-system database, using the Windows file system database primitives to provide locking and sharing support. All versions are multi-user, using (file server) networking.

However, with Visual SourceSafe 2005, other modes were added, Lan Booster and VSS Internet (which used /). Visual SourceSafe 6.0 was available as a stand-alone product and was included with Visual Studio 6.0, and other products such as Office Developer Edition. Visual SourceSafe 2005 was available as a stand-alone product and included with the 2005 Team Suite. Has superseded VSS as Microsoft's recommended platform for. / Microsoft Visual J was 's implementation of the language (with Microsoft-specific extensions) and associated language services. It was discontinued as a result of from, and the technology was recycled into Visual J#, Microsoft's Java compiler for.NET Framework. J# was available with Visual Studio 2005 (supported until 2015) but was discontinued in Visual Studio 2008.

Visual InterDev was used to create web applications using Microsoft (ASP) technologies. It supports code completion and includes server management tools. It has been replaced with Microsoft Visual Web Developer. Editions Microsoft Visual Studio is available in the following editions or: Community The Community edition was announced on 12 November 2014, as a new free version, with similar functionality to Visual Studio Professional. Prior to this date, the only free editions of Visual Studio were the feature-limited Express variants. Unlike the Express variants, Visual Studio Community supports multiple languages, and provides support for extensions. Individual developers have no restrictions on their use of the Community edition.

The following uses also allow unlimited usage: contributing to Open Source projects, academic research, in a classroom learning environment and for developing and testing device drivers for the Windows operating system. All other use by an organization depends on whether you are classified as an Enterprise (more than 250 employees / 1 Million+ in revenue, per Microsoft). Non-Enterprises may use up to 5 copies without restriction, user number 6 and higher require a commercial license; Enterprise organizations require a commercial license for use outside of the noted exceptions.

Visual Studio Community is oriented towards individual developers and small teams. Professional As of Visual Studio 2010, the Professional edition is the entry level of Visual Studio. (Previously, a more feature restricted Standard edition was available.) It provides an IDE for all supported development languages. Support is available as MSDN Essentials or the full depending on licensing. It supports and editing, and can create deployment packages that only use. It includes tools like Server Explorer and integration with also. Windows Mobile development support was included in Visual Studio 2005 Standard, however, with Visual Studio 2008, it is only available in Professional and higher editions.

Windows Phone 7 development support was added to all editions in Visual Studio 2010. Development for is no longer supported in Visual Studio 2010. It is superseded by.Enterprise In addition to the features provided by the Professional edition, the Enterprise edition provides a new set of software development, database development, collaboration, metrics, architecture, testing and reporting tools.Test Professional The Test Professional edition was introduced with Visual Studio 2010. Its focus is the dedicated tester role. It includes support for the management of test environments, the ability to start and report on tests and to connect to Azure DevOps.

It does not include support for development or authoring of tests. History The first version of Visual Studio was Visual Studio 97. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 logoThe final build of Visual Studio 2012 was announced on 1 August 2012 and the official launch event was held on 12 September 2012.Unlike prior versions, Visual Studio 2012 cannot record and play and the macro editor has been removed.New features include support for and (Component Extensions) and ( programming) Semantic Colorization.On 16 September 2011, a complete 'Developer Preview' of Visual Studio 11 was published on Microsoft's website.

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview requires Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, or later operating systems. Versions of (MFC) and C runtime (CRT) included with this release cannot produce software that is compatible with Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 except by using native multi-targeting and foregoing the newest libraries, compilers, and headers.

However, on 15 June 2012, a blog post on the VC Team blog announced that based on customer feedback, Microsoft would re-introduce native support for Windows XP targets (though not for XP as a development platform) in a version of Visual C to be released later in the fall of 2012. 'Visual Studio 2012 Update 1' (Visual Studio 2012.1) was released in November 2012. This update added support for Windows XP targets and also added other new tools and features (e.g.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 logoInitially referred to as Visual Studio '15', it was released on 7 March 2017. The first Preview was released on 30 March 2016. Visual Studio '15' Preview 2 was released 10 May 2016.

Visual Studio '15' Preview 3 was released on 7 July 2016. Visual Studio '15' Preview 4 was released on 22 August 2016. See also:On 13 November 2013, Microsoft announced the release of a offering of Visual Studio on platform; at the time, Microsoft called it Visual Studio Online. Previously announced as Team Foundation Services, it expanded over the on-premises Team Foundation Server (TFS; now known as ) by making it available on the Internet and implementing a model. Customers could use Azure portal to subscribe to Visual Studio Online. Subscribers receive a hosted -compatible system, a load-testing service, a telemetry service and an in-browser code editor codenamed 'Monaco'. During the Connect; 2015 developer event on 18 November 2015, Microsoft announced that the service was rebranded as 'Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)'.

On 10 September 2018, Microsoft announced another rebranding of the service, this time to 'Azure DevOps Services'.Microsoft offers Stakeholder, Basic, and Visual Studio subscriber access levels for Azure DevOps Services. The Basic plan is free of charge for up to five users. Users with a Visual Studio subscription can be added to a plan with no additional charge. Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a collection of integrated software development tools developed by Microsoft. These tools currently consist of the IDE (Visual Studio 2015 Community and greater editions), server (Team Foundation Server), and cloud services (Visual Studio Team Services). Visual Studio ALM supports team-based development and collaboration, Agile project management, source control, packaging, continuous development, automated testing, release management, continuous delivery, and reporting tools for apps and services.In Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008, the brand was known as Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS).

In October 2009, the Team System brand was renamed Visual Studio ALM with the Visual Studio 2010 (codenamed 'Rosario') release.Visual Studio Team Services debuted as Visual Studio Online in 2013 and was renamed in 2015. Visual Studio Lab Management is a software development tool developed by for software testers to create and manage virtual environments. Lab Management extends the existing platform to enable an integrated based test lab. Since Visual Studio 2012, it is already shipped as a part of it; and, can be set up after Azure DevOps and SCVMM are integrated. Visual Studio LightSwitch Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch is an extension and framework specifically tailored for creating line-of-business applications built on existing.NET technologies and Microsoft platforms. The applications produced are architecturally: the user interface runs on either or, or as a SharePoint 2013 app; the logic and data-access tier is built on and exposed as an feed hosted in ASP.NET; and the primary data storage supports,. LightSwitch also supports other data sources including, OData and WCF RIA Services.LightSwitch includes graphical designers for designing entities and entity relationships, entity queries, and UI screens.

Business logic may be written in either. LightSwitch is included with Visual Studio 2012 Professional and higher. Visual Studio 2015 is the last release of Visual Studio that includes the LightSwitch tooling.The user interface layer is now an optional component when deploying a LightSwitch solution, allowing a service-only deployment.The first version of Visual Studio LightSwitch, released 26 July 2011, had many differences from the current release of LightSwitch. Notably the tool was purchased and installed as a stand-alone product. If Visual Studio 2010 Professional or higher was already installed on the machine, LightSwitch would integrate into that. The second major difference was the middle tier was built and exposed using WCF RIA Services.As of 14 October 2016, Microsoft no longer recommends LightSwitch for new application development. Visual Studio Code.


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Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Sp1

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Bright, Peter (14 April 2016). Retrieved 27 December 2016. IFour Technolab. 26 December 2016.External links Wikibooks has a book on the topic of:.