
Free Program Tokimeki Memorial English Patch


June 16, 2014English Translation Patch version 0.90 ReleasedPlease check the first post for download link.Everything should be fully translated except some text in graphics that I don't plan to translate. (I called it version 0.90 because I don't know if there might be any mistakes in it but the game should be fully playable in English.)(I know it's already June 17. I uploaded the patch and went to bed and didn't have time to post it here. )Note: I don't know if the patch will work for everyone. Touhou 6 english patch.

And as I've said a few hundred times already, both Japanese and English are not my native languages. I can't guarantee perfect translations so please don't be disappointed to find mistakes in it.

Free Program Tokimeki Memorial English Patch 2017

Feel free to point out the mistakes and I'll fix them in the next patch. Click to expand.I'll collect corrections and feedback from PSP version and apply to DS version before I release the DS patch. (Since both games use pretty much the same scripts.) But for now, I'll focus on PSP patch first since I don't know anything much about PSP and don't know what kind of problem people will encounter, etc.So when I release version 1.00 of PSP patch, I should be able to release version 1.00 of DS patch, too.(Sorry if my post sounds confusing. If you need explanation on any point just ask me. I'm doing beta-testing for 3 games at the same time now and I'm so blur. I'll collect corrections and feedback from PSP version and apply to DS version before I release the DS patch. (Since both games use pretty much the same scripts.) But for now, I'll focus on PSP patch first since I don't know anything much about PSP and don't know what kind of problem people will encounter, etc.So when I release version 1.00 of PSP patch, I should be able to release version 1.00 of DS patch, too.(Sorry if my post sounds confusing.

Tokimeki Memorial English Patch

If you need explanation on any point just ask me. I'm doing beta-testing for 3 games at the same time now and I'm so blur.

Re: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd Season translation almost done!Soluri: Aww, thank you ^^dark: I'm really no one special. I just romhack and translate, I don't make people puke rainbows. But that would be quite interesting.I don't want girls to go crazy for me, I want guys!Just joking XDcI'm not part of the Love Plus translation because even though everyone says 'Help out', I don't really think they're that active. I don't join projects unless they give me their word it will be complete. If they lie, I won't join any of their future projects and/or will complete it on my own.